Fighting for Breath

I Have Brittle Asthma. Everyday can be a battle to breath and survive. This is a space to share, rant and come to terms with my everyday challenges and thoughts.


on May 15, 2009

I have been busy the last few days and for once enjoying what I am doing.

I have been taken on for a private medical company and last weekend was my first shifts was working the Big Weekend. It was a busy shifts with the usual mix of asthma attacks and people feeling faint. Mixed in with the trouble makers with cuts etc. I was working with one of the mangers and me and him were getting on really well and he let me get on with work and if I thought a patient needed say for example a Neb he would trust my judgement and allow me to give it. I was also a ambulance crew however I didn’t get to do a run into hospital. The company were impressed with me and are pushing for me to work more. This has made me realise that I would make a good paramedic and its what I enjoy so going to give it another go at another university.

A few of the First Aiders I was concerned over the treatment. We were passing through one of the first aid units and saw a patient struggling for breath. The first aider had the patient on O2 however he stated she was getting worse. I checked the patient over and noticed that he had only stuck her on one litre of O2 (for non-medical people not enough). I quickly turned it up and got the patient the medication and she improved.

I have also picked up a few shifts in my hospital at home. These were boring but I get paid more for doing nights. But it has got be into a better sleeping routine as I am getting up earlier.

Still no sign of a permanent job. Have some job interviews coming up one of them for a local ED which is what I want really.

I have finally manged to get my health sorted. The think they know whats going on and it doesn’t have anything to do with my mental health or psychological basis. However people don’t seem to understand this after an argument with my GP over drugs.

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